Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Welcome Sean Ryan to Cocks with P!

It has been formally announced on-air that Sean Ryan has joined Patrick, full-time, to create a dynamic duo of dudes for our favorite afternoon show. Welcome Sean! You can tweet him @radioseanryan or the ever-trusty show twitter @cockswithp.

How are you feeling about Patrick and Sean together thus far? I'm really liking it! Trying not to dwell on what I miss from the past... but as the show moves forward, I think it's going to be fun and new.

Please join me in giving Sean -- Sally Sean as Patrick calls him -- to the Cosmo family!


  1. He rocks!! I love the dynamic between the two guys.

  2. Glad you're on the show! Don't worry about Valentine giving you a hard time. I actually think there is a bit of a love triangle among the three of you. Patrick seems to have a secret crush on Valentine, while Valentine is envious that you got a spot on the show and not her.

  3. whoa!!! been listening to him since he joined show. I swear, his voice sounds so much like the blogger buddy on the bethany frankel show so I just knew he would look like him too! But sean's a cutie!!

  4. Like Sean but Patrick is a dick & Sean agrees with everything he says even when he knows Patrick is way off base. Patrick held back a bit more when there was a woman present & he couldn't be awful/vulgar/disrespectful constantly with no one to call him out. Patrick is "THE WORST."

  5. Love the insight and intelligence you bring to the show! Just wish they'd get rid of that other guy... What a jerk!

  6. Love the insight and intelligence you bring to the show! Just wish they'd get rid of that other guy... What a jerk!

  7. I love your voice sean, its mad sexy!!

  8. You are the only funny person on that show and the only reason to listen! Patrick is a pussy-whipped dullard.

  9. You guys Rock!! Yeah. I'm a listener for 3 years. Don't always agree, Patrick, but it's all good. Just listened to the mustache bit. My man has a mustache, He also has huge lips. Very sexy! caucasian. Wouldn't work in everybody. Robin from Alabama.

  10. Omg your voice is so sexey hot.good luck with the show

  11. I love Sean. Must. Keep. Him.

  12. Sean is the best thing on the show. Amazing voice and great comebacks. "Ya feel me"?

  13. I love Sean, but LOVE Patrick! Who cares if he says something offensive once in a while, he's funny as shit so get over it

  14. I like Sean way more than I like Patrick. Patrick talks like he is a 13-year old boy who clearly has no morals, manners, or common sense! Patrick thinks he is funny but he isn't its all in his big ego. Maybe Sean will take over the show I'm sure Cosmo would prefer that an adult hosts the show!

  15. Love Sean!!! Think they should bring Lea back, they would make a great team! Patrick has just gotten stale, I turn the channel when he's on.


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