Rude Jude from Shade 45 Rude Jude from Shade 45 was in studio. Patrick grew up with him. Callers called in to say he had a sexy voice. Patrick posted a picture of Jude up on Twitter. Check out his blog Rude Jude Loves You
American Idol Recap with Dave Portnoy Since it is Sex and the City week Patrick asked Dave if he was into Sex and the City at all because of his wife. Dave said no. Dave talked about getting to meet Adam Lambert and how awesome it was. Dave is a huge Adam Lambert fan. He also hates Kris Allen. They discussed the farewell tribute to Simon and Dave said he was disappointed in the clips shown because Simon has been way funnier. Patrick and Dave said that Lee DeWyze is not a threat to any male and the reason women are into him is because he seems attainable. The general consensus was that Crystal had outperformed him and should have won. Dave said that this was his final year watching Idol because it is done after Simon leaves.
Adam Graham popped in to discuss Idol as well. Patrick asked Adam if he was a Portnoy hater. Adam is not. Adam will be in New York the second week of June and Patrick said that he will be in the studio with them every night. Adam said that he will check in on Idol next year but he won’t be following it as closely most likely. Adam agreed that Crystal should have won and he wondered whether or not Lee will be able to have any success after Idol. Patrick asked if Adam has ever watched Sex and the City. Adam said he has seen a few episodes but he isn’t into it.
Cocks With P Breaks the Band Patrick and Lea will be starting up a new contest to try and discover bands/musicians that need a break. Send your submissions to Patrick and Lea at
Poll Question of the Day
Which of the SATC ladies would your guy most want to hook up with? (Results)
Carrie 10%
Samantha 19%
Charlotte 67%
Miranda 3%
Last Call Crystal Bowersox and her boyfriend broke up right before performance night this week. He is not her baby daddy. Crystal said that he was no into the lifestyle she was pursuing with American Idol.
50 Cent wrote and stars in a movie called Things Fall Apart. He is taking this very seriously - he dropped 54lbs and had all of his tattoos removed. Check out the photo on the Cocks with P twitter: @cockswithp
Common and Serena Williams have broken up.
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