Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Have you dabbled in digital drugs?

Patrick discussed an article "21 Stupidest things kids today are actually doing" and I couldn't believe the ridiculousness and danger behind many of these activities. One of them caught my attention because I had never heard of it, nor had it ever been a thought in my brain. It's called "i-dosing"... which is considered a digital drug. Who comes up with this stuff? Technology adds a whole new level to the experimentation that goes on as a teenager - I didn't even have email in high school.

i-Dosing consists of using sounds to alter your mood and senses. It's perfectly legal and can create the feelings that are said to be similar to mushrooms, pot, ecstasy, etc. There is concern that this can be a gateway drug for young people.

While I was searching for more information, I saw everything from videos of kids writhing in pain while i-dosing to websites that use i-dosing to treat ailments such as pain, alcoholism, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, insomnia, depression, etc.

At the same time, there are nay-sayers saying that this is just a way some companies are preying on and marketing to kids to buy their product. There are no brain studies supporting the claim that these sound waves alter your brain in the same way that other drugs do.

Have you done it? What are your thoughts on it? Do you find it dangerous?

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