Monday, March 25, 2013

My Weight Loss, Days 45-60

I know, I know... It has been a half month since I've updated. I'm sorry. But truth is that my routine has been more of the same since it seemed to be working. Saturdays and Mondays are Zumba classes with my friends. The other days are a mix of Zumba on the Wii, sit ups, Zumba DVDs, Zumba on YouTube, walking, or rest days. My nutrition/calorie intake has become routine now where I am watching what I eat or consciously making the decision to eat something not-so-good. It's amazing how much of a transformation can take place when you put your mind to it and how quickly the new routine can take hold.

This past Saturday I had my final weigh-in for our work Biggest Loser competition. If you recall, I started this journey at 208.5 lbs. I now weigh.... Drumroll please.... 197.5! 11 pounds lost overall! And I feel like I am just now gaining momentum . So this journey is really far from over. I will continue to share my successes (or setbacks) here on this blog. I'd also love to hear your stories and even publish them here if you let me!

Finally, here are pictures from just before my final weigh-in as well as pics from before my first weigh in. I can feel the changes and my husband and friends have noticed the changes as well. That's where all the hard work pays off the most. :) (and you can see I'm a little more comfortable wearing tighter clothes now;)

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