Patrick began Thursday's show with a random rant regarding a friend's kid, who is 23 years old, and is interested in getting into radio. He said there's some friends who you don't question when they ask you to do something, you just do it. That was the case with this he contacted the kid. The kid responded with an email containing numerous ideas, and Patrick responded with his suggestions. They emailed back and forth a few times, and the emails gradually grew shorter and shorter. Then, the kid emailed him to ask for the program director's email. Patrick's response? Delete. Did the kid really waste that much time simply trying to get the email address of the program director? Lame.
Patrick also mentioned that his friend was recently caught with naked pictures of his ex. Apparently, his friend generally leaves the house to go to work after his wife, and then gets home before his wife, so he wasn't concerned about leaving his Gmail open (which contained the file of nude photos). However, she forgot something, had to come back, and saw that his Gmail was still open. She then clicked on the folder containing the pictures.
He says his friend claimed to not have any feelings for his ex, but after 5 years of marriage he eluded to the fact that he can get bored at times. Patrick's response to his friend was, they need to go to counseling.
Patrick's opinion was that he (and guys in general) shouldn't be doing this, even if they're just dating.
Patrick poses the question: Would it have mattered it the pictures were of a random girl as opposed to an ex?
Patrick mentioned that in his own personal experience with girls he has dated in the past, that they all tended to hate his most recent ex. Furthermore, he speculated that girls more than likely compare themselves to an ex, which is probably why they're self conscious about their exes, and because chicks hate other chicks.
In Lea's opinion, the problem with the fact that it is pictures of the ex vs. a random chick is that it is something he can get because it's something he has had before. Additionally, her advice for Patrick's friend was to sit down with his wife, and allow her to see him delete the file. A caller suggested he should let his wife see him emailing the ex to say 'please don't ever contact me again'. Another called suggested that he give the wife all of his passwords.
Something that personally surprised me was a caller's perception regarding keeping naked photos of an ex. The caller keeps naked pictures of her ex, but claims she is happy with her current ex, and will not ever get rid of these pictures because she might "need" them at a later date.
Another caller tolerated her husband keeping actual photo albums of his exes, but eventually gave him the ultimatum that either the albums go, or she goes.
I'm not sure how everyone else feels about this...but in my opinion, if you want/need to keep nude photos of your ex, you're still hooked on them, to some extent Right?
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