Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Chris Brown and Drake offered $1M each to fight

First, read the article:

Now, how are you feeling about the idea?

When I first read the headline, I was like, "c'mon, really!??"

The one positive part about the idea... giving $1M to a charity to benefit battered women.

The negative....

Is this really a good message to send? They even want Rhianna to be the ring girl... really? Hasn't she been through enough with this whole Chris Brown ordeal? I am happy that they are expecting her to say no... she has more class than that.

I feel like these skeezy promoters are only looking to gain from this event, while the real underlying reason for any of this is that Chris Brown beat Rhianna.

Should Chris Brown really be asked to fight, when he's still under probation until 2014? And, although they are certain that Rhianna would say no, I think it's just tasteless to ask her to stand in close proximity, in a ring, and watch a match which is representative of two men fighting over a victim. Brown isn't supposed to be near her, as part of his probation. Why would it even be okay for the rules to drop for something like this?

And, say Chris Brown wins the match... are we expected to celebrate his victory? Does he become the hero of the match? Bravo, you just proved you really can beat people up. Here's $1M.

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