Monday, October 16, 2017

Today Wake Up with Taylor became no more... 😔

The whole WUWT community was shocked when they either heard Seth Speaks in place of Taylor or saw the news on social media... Wake Up with Taylor has been taken off of SiriusXM. Most are speculating that it was a sudden development and as of last week Friday, they did plan to continue as usual this week. On her Instagram, Tay promised that she will explain when she can.

I have been listening to Wake Up for over 11 years! I haven't listened much in recent years, but I try to keep up on what Taylor and Kenny are up to. I was lucky to have connected with many other WUWT fans and we will continue to be friends and connected despite Wake Up leaving.

What will be next for Taylor? We shall see. I know I will be watching and waiting to hear what she'll be doing.

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Kenny's back in our ears!

Mr. Mans can be back in your ears for the low, low price of $3 per month! Have my money! Have it all! Welcome back Kenny Zimlinghaus... you ...