By Briana, @alinacat1401
Another guy that should be added to the no date list: the facebook sympathy guy. He just wants some comments and attention! I love the Cocks with P guys not to date list. I think we need a copy of it!
Caitlin Boyle -Operation Beautiful: Transforming the Way You See Yourself One Post-It Note at a Time
(Check out @BeautifulNotes) The concept of the website and the book is to leave post-it notes with compliments for other women in public places. Rather than feel bad about ourselves, be healthy, be balanced, and be positive. We are faced with unattainable beauty standards in today’s society. A good quote-scales measure weight, not worth. Caitlin put out the operation beautiful idea on her food and fitness blog ( and asked for her readers to participate. The idea was a huge hit, and the rest is history. I love this concept-I just put the book in my shopping cart, and will start posting notes soon. Let’s end negative self-talk!
Lauren came in from another studio to bring some dessert in for Patrick and Lea. Last weekend, she met a nice guy who is an excellent dancer. Date night tonight-she is meeting him for drinks later tonight (unless he gets stuck at work)! If things go well, she will consider dating him. What is Lauren’s philosophy on paying for a date? If it’s a bad date, pay your own way. She also prefers to date men who are less attractive than her. Lauren’s date tonight is not the best looking guy around, but she is very much attracted to him. Her ex was a 10, but she felt very insecure while being in that relationship. Liza from Vegas called in to compliment Lauren on her dating style-she is honest and agrees with it. Sarah called into say that she fell for her man on the dance floor. Twitter was all a buzz regarding Lauren’s dress. Some liked it, some said it was too business-like, and some were not a fan.
Do you want your significant other to be more or less attractive than you?
Research says that women typically want to be the better looking one in a relationship. A study showed that when the man is more attractive, the couple is less supportive of each other, whereas when the woman is more attractive, the couple is more willing to help each other our and be there for one another. Lindsay in Kansas thinks that a woman’s confidence and self esteem plays into this. Kaye in Jersey believes that the fear of being cheated on is a factor. In her experiences, men who have been more attractive than her have cheated, where as the less attractive were faithful. Julie has another theory on confidence. Less attractive guys that she dated were very insecure with themselves. She married a handsome man and found him to be more confident and compatible. Erin said that when the man is more attractive, the woman is very aware of it. A woman is initially attracted to the man, and he grows more appealing (personality, sense of humor, etc) to her over time. Christy has been married for 20 years. She said that the appearance of people can shift over time. When she first met her husband, he was very handsome. As they have aged, she has become the more good-looking one. There must be that underlying love for each other regardless of who is more attractive. Patrick and Lea both agreed that when a person (of either sex) is too cocky and impressed with their own appearance, it’s a turn off.
Poll Question of the Day:
Does your time of the month affect your sex life?
A. Yes, I don't want to do it then
B. Yes, he doesn't like to do it then
C. No - we don't have sex but my guy is satisfied
D. No, doesn't slow down our sex life at all
The winner is…A!
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